The Labyrinth
I imagine a labyrinth.
Inside, you inhabit some uncertain, some unknown place for me.
Day by day I put all my effort into looking for you.
At sunrise, when I open up my eyes, 2 or 3 minutes before the alarm goes off, I find myself standing again at the entrance of the labyrinth. I go in, get lost in the narrow corridors, trip over the corners, get desperate looking at to the sky, for some sign that tells me something about you.
After running and running, after running and shouting your name, desperate, I manage to get out of it.
I come back to the same place, the entrance.
Then the alarm goes off and I know that today I won’t meet you again either.
Gets out an envelope from his pocket. You can see quickly that it’s a letter. It has a stamp and it’s handwritten. It looks wrinkled and a little bit old.
Some time ago I received this letter. I wasn’t used to receiving personal letters. Only bills and advertising. The letter-box wasn’t an important place for me. It was only a drawer where every day papers appeared that were not important for me at all. Frequently, I left the letters unopened for a long time. It was a kind of revenge. I didn’t want to read: Dear Miss/ Mister Customer. Too much politeness from somebody who was just passing me the bills or was trying to sell me something that I didn’t need seemed nearly as an insult to me.
But this day there was a letter that someone bothered to write. To me. It was personal. It was not trying to sell me anything or charging me, neither was it treating me as royalty. I supposed it was a friend. Or maybe not. I never found it out.
May I?
Opens up the envelope and shows this card.

I feel like somebody was spying on my thoughts during all this time.
Look. The you is in the labyrinth. But it’s me who has to cover it all if I want to get closer to him.
It looks like if he was waiting for me to come however he is making me prove myself. That’s the picture of what I’ve imagined.
For many days I thought that it was not fair. If he wants me to get closer, why doesn’t he come straight to me, why doesn’t he wait for me openly? Why do we have to make our lives so difficult?
After these days, I realized that maybe the you has not built a labyrinth around him, but was a prisoner inside of it. In this case, who had built it?
And, what if the labyrinth did not exist? If it was only a product of my eyes?
I mean, probably, I was seeing a labyrinth when I was looking at the you, but surely the same was happening to him when he was looking at me. It is as if we were looking and, as we were doing it, we were building a labyrinth. It’s as if we could not look at ourselves clearly, without obstacles, without barriers.
Human beings, if we are not blind, we can see. But when it comes to look at another human being, we never have our eyes prepared in advanced. In some moments we have lost our look of innocence.
At the beginning, I got very anxious, because I didn’t know who sent me this letter. But now I’m not so interested in that. I think that it could be any human. It’s as if this letter was sent to me by all the people who I’m going to meet in the future. They send it to me to warn me. To prepare my eyes. To make me destroy the labyrinth before each encounter. In some ways, it’s as if this letter was sent to me by you.
3 comentarios:
vale, yo soy una víctima de esta gran idea creo...
no se ni cómo se llamaba la chica que se sentó a mi lado en la estación de trenes y que sin parar de mirarme a los ojos me representó este pequeño fragmento...lo que sí sé, es que yo no podia dejar de mirar los suyos...
enhorabuena, otra vez, y gracias ^^
bueno, lo de fue tanto, pero si lo intenté reescribir, con todas mis limitaciones, y gracias a amigos nativos que me han revisado la traducción.
y, después, salí con el texto a la calle.
lo hice en Dublín, enIrlanda.
Me encontré con una acogida muy buena. sobre todo una chica que tenía una cara muy triste (o, simplemente, pensativa) y que no dejó de sonreirme cuando acabé.
animo a todos para que difundamos los textos de teatro encuentro en otras lenguas, para que se pueda hacer teatro encuentro a todas las personas en los sitios del mundo adónde vayamos.
un abrazo,
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